cardboard waste collection
Common questions about cardboard recycling

Cardboard Recycling FAQs

Cardboard has many uses to package and protect all sorts of goods. Once it’s served its purpose or can’t be reused then it becomes waste. It’s a sustainable and recyclable material, so disposing of any type of old cardboard properly is important to protect the planet. These FAQs should help you recycle cardboard correctly.

If your business needs to get rid of any type and amount of old cardboard then you can find out about our commercial cardboard collection services. If you’ve got a question about recycling the material then discover how to recycle cardboard properly with these answers to frequently asked questions.

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Is cardboard recyclable?

Cardboard is recyclable. It’s one of the most widely recycled materials in the world. You can recycle most types of cardboard including boxes, sheets, greeting cards, rolls, and corrugated cardboard. The main types of cardboard that are not recyclable are those heavily contaminated with food, oil, grease, paint, or other liquids.

Who needs commercial 
cardboard waste collection?

All businesses use some level and type of cardboard within their daily operations. You may produce minimal waste from just the cereal, tea, and food boxes thrown away in the office kitchen, or require bulk cardboard recycling if you run a restaurant and generate high volumes of cardboard waste. Retailers, food catering, distributors, and wholesalers often require regular commercial cardboard waste collection.

How is cardboard recycled?

The general process to recycle cardboard follows these steps:

  1. Waste cardboard arrives at a recycling centre and is sorted into boxboard (flat sheets) and corrugated board. Paper and cardboard recycling can happen together, but it’s important to separate grades as they go into different products after recycling.
  2. The cardboard is then shredded into tiny pieces and mixed with water and chemicals to soften them and turn it into pulp or slurry.
  3. Next, the mixture goes through a series of filtering, chemical, and centrifugal processes. These remove any remaining contaminants such as tape, metals, plastics, and ink.
  4. A small proportion of new pulp made from wood chips is normally mixed into it with more water added to achieve the right consistency. Chemicals may also be added depending on the desired results.
  5. The cleaned pulp is rolled and pressed to squeeze out any water and form long sheets. These are then dried out and the sheets are cut and glued together to make new cardboard. It can be layered to form thicker cardboard.
Cardboard waste facts
bales of cardboard recycling.

What should I do before 
I recycle cardboard?

The first thing to do before you recycle cardboard is to make sure it’s all clean and dry. Remove any contaminated items and set them to one side as these may not be recyclable. Next, remove any excess tape from the cardboard – it’s not necessary to remove all of this as the recycling process will deal with it.

Flat pack cardboard as much as possible and store it in a container that keeps it dry. If you have a large amount of cardboard, a mill-size baler can help with storage – as can specific lidded containers and roll-off bins.

Can I mix cardboard 
and paper recycling?

Generally, you can mix thin cardboard and paper for recycling as it’s made from similar fibres processed from trees. However, corrugated cardboard is usually recycled separately from paper due to its thicker and extra layers.

Can I mix different grades of cardboard 
in a recycling load?

Different grades of cardboard can be recycled together providing the whole load is clean and dry and not contaminated with food, grease, or chemicals. Some wax-coated cardboard is biodegradable but not recyclable.

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Is cardboard biodegradable?

Cardboard is biodegradable as it’s made from natural wood fibres that should break down and decompose. Unbleached cardboard is compostable and can add balance to compost piles. However, the biodegradability of cardboard depends on its composition and the environmental factors.

Contaminants such as adhesives, plastic, and metal can compromise its ability to break down. It’s likelier to decompose quicker in optimal conditions in a managed industrial composting facility than in a compost heap at home too.

Can you recycle wet cardboard?

You should not recycle wet cardboard. This is because water and moisture weaken the cardboard fibres, so its quality becomes too poor to be recycled and turned into new cardboard. It can also contaminate and dampen other cardboard in the same bin or load and get stuck and jam recycling machinery.

Dry out any wet cardboard as much as possible before recycling. If it’s too wet then you may have to dispose of it with general waste. Be aware that wet cardboard is heavier than dry varieties.

How do you get rid of 
a lot of cardboard?

When you have a large amount of cardboard to recycle from your business you must use licensed waste carriers to remove and recycle it. Talk to a specialised waste management company like Business Waste. One of our expert team can advise you on cardboard collection, storage, and recycling to help remove your large amount of cardboard waste.

If you have a lot of cardboard at home that’s too much to fit in your household recycling bin, then you can take it to your local recycling centre.

Can you recycle Tetra Pak 
with cardboard?

Tetra Paks are plastic-coated cartons that commonly contain milk or juices. They’re made from 80% paper-based materials but also contain plastic and sometimes hidden metal. This means you can’t recycle them with normal single sheet or corrugated cardboard loads. However, we’re in partnership with a growing number of Tetra Pak recycling centres opening around the UK.

Packaging waste disposal services

How much is cardboard 
worth in the UK?

Only customers with regular volumes of waste cardboard measured in tonnes can potentially gain a rebate or warrant a free collection. Cardboard is a global market and prices experience large fluctuations. In 2024, cardboard recycling prices were between £90 and £120 per tonne.

To sell your cardboard, you need to ensure your load is free from contaminants like food, liquid, grease, or Styrofoam-type packaging. One of the most cost-effective ways to store cardboard for recycling is in bales. This also ensures a maximum financial return, as the cardboard is already in the format required at the recycling plant. You require a mechanical baler to store cardboard this way.

Learn about cardboard recycling rebates
brown cardboard boxes in a bin storage area.

Can you burn cardboard?

Burning waste is only a good alternative if it provides an efficient fuel. Burning cardboard does not and it will release contaminants and gases into the environment. Many local authorities have regulations surrounding smokeless fuels and cardboard burning falls short of these. Recycle your cardboard waste rather than burning it to avoid wasting a reusable resource.

How long does it take for 
cardboard to decompose?

Cardboard takes around two months to decompose when composted. How long cardboard takes to decompose depends on the type and size of the sheets though, so sometimes it may take up to six or eight months. Layering other compostable materials on top of the cardboard and regularly turning it speeds up the process.

Can you take cardboard 
to the tip?

You can normally take cardboard to your local household waste recycling centre (HWRC) or tip if it’s domestic waste. This means only old cardboard from your home. Most HWRCs don’t accept commercial cardboard from businesses – and you must be a licensed waste carrier to transport it anyway.

How to reduce cardboard waste

Can you recycle cardboard 
with tape on it?

You can recycle cardboard with tape on it as it’s removed during the recycling process. It’s helpful to remove any tape or labels when you can though as it gets rid of potential contaminants and some facilities may reject it if there’s too much tape.

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Published 24th January 2025 by Graham Matthews. Last modified 27th January 2025