12 great recycling and life hack tips

1. Use old free clothes hangers as crisp clips and keep them fresh!
crisp packet peg stay fresh

2. For the always-falling zipper, no need to throw those pants out!
recycled zip for clothes

3. One for the wine lovers! Freeze grapes and chill wine
Freeze grapes and chill wine

4. How to fit two bowls into a small microwave
how to fit 2 bowls into a microwave

5. A great idea on how to recycle a babies cot
Recycle children's cot idea

6. Use a leaf blower and PVC pipes to clean gutters without a ladder and without having to pay for help
leaf blower to clean gutters

7. The easiest way to make an ice cream sandwich, better undo that belt buckle YUM!
Make a perfect ice cream sandwich

8. How to stop people from stealing your pens at work once and for all!
Stop pen theft

9. By putting your phone into airplane mode will charge it twice as fast. Easy!
recharge iphone very fast.

10. How to fix a blurry phone camera in seconds
How to fix a blury camera phone

11. One for the men! Wrap a wet paper towel around beer, and put it in the freezer to cool in just 2 minutes.
chill beer fast

12. Use a can opener on tough annoying hard plastic packaging
can opener open plastic packaging

For more great up-cycling and recycling tips and ideas, check out these

About the author

Co founder and Director of Business Waste. Promotes recycling and the reduction of landfill waste

Published 11th November 2014 . Last modified 26th June 2024

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